Gesellschaft für Leistungselektronik mbH
 • Introduction SYKO-association general
 • DC/DC Converters Step-down converters, Step-up/step-down "Regenerators"
Supplementary converters, System converters, Field regulators, Car-Adapters

up to 9kW
 • Battery Chargers Intelligent battery charing for Rolling stock, Special technology
and Hybrid vehicles

up to 7,5kW (n x 5kW)
 • Universal Power Supplies AC/DC Universal input and ultra wide range
PFC-input, 16 - 800 Hz

up to 300W
 • Sinus Inverters 1ph Sinus inverters for battery and high voltage
3ph/frequency inverters with f/U-control for battery and high voltage;

up to 8kVA
 • High Voltage Converters on UIC-voltage level, Traction line level
Intermediate circuits, Start-up function
up to 8kW
 • Transient Protection / Filters Transient filters, Hold-up times, Cross plugging protection
 • Custom Power Supplies After specification, Input 4 - 5000V, Input voltage range up to >1:20 up to 8kW
 • Accessories Mechanic, Filter components, Connectors, Attachments